Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Filling Up

My head is filling up with words lately – words I do not have time to write down. I do hope they will stay around long enough for me to catch up on life a bit, and then I can get around to writing again. I do want to write about how we had our Christmas Eve dinner on Christmas Eve Eve this year, and what we did on Christmas Eve instead. And that reminds me of how we nearly burned down the house after last year’s Christmas Eve feast, and what came this year to fill in for the sadly destroyed centerpiece from our wedding rehearsal dinner…

But for now those words will stay in my head, I hope. And I will go back to dealing with how our house filled up with food, people, photos, gifts, and blessings of many kinds; and I will be back here after cleaning up the mess those blessings create.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Blazin' Daniel

Yes, I do have 5 children. So why is this one in front of the camera the most? Well, for one he likes to hang around me. Then just look at him! Six and a half year olds are just way too cute!

December '09 Photo Project

Friday, December 11, 2009

You Light Up My Life...

Thank you to our nephew for being so cute, and to Holt's Aunt Katie for taking this picture!

December '09 Photo Project

Friday, December 4, 2009

Not Southern Kids

This morning we woke to a snow-covered world, though it is a bit thin for the time of year. It's the kind of snow that makes everything white, but the grass is still long enough to stick up above it. But it is cold, 12 degrees at the moment, so it does count as a start since this little bit of snow is not likely to melt for a while. We don't need huge snowstorms if it just keeps piling up a bit at a time until March or April. So we are hopeful for a white Christmas, even if it's just the thin coating we have right now.

This snow spurred a conversation at breakfast. John, who is eight, said, "17 degrees is the perfect temperature. Warm enough for the snow to be wet for snowballs and cold enough for the snow not to melt." This started a general discussion about the ideal temperature. A mere 20 degrees was determined to be the best temperature for outdoor play that involves snowballs. And the perfect temperature for snow boarding? Ten. 1-0, barely two digits. Apparently it's just what the doctor ordered for powdery snow, and you won't get too hot in your gear.

I'm just sitting at the table thinking, "Are these kids actually related to me?"

December '09 Photo Project