Leaf alert! It took forever this year, but we actually have some leaves on most of the trees. Some are very small, but we've finally made it to the point where it just gets better from here. The tiniest leaves appear one day, and in less than a week we have shade again. The hostas poke out of the ground one day and then grow several inches every day until the world is lush and green. Better late than never!
All in God's good timing, I suppose! And speaking of timing, I
begged for received a Garmin Forerunner 10 (aka fancy GPS running watch) for Mother's Day! It's done a great job so far of showing me how inconsistent my pace can be when I run outside. It's really fun having all those geeky details about my run right at my fingertips. And there are even more geeky details to be found once I get home and plug it into the computer.
I'm sure you're all surprised to find that I approach running very scientifically. Not that mentioning I had
changed my breathing style to avoid injury would have given you a clue! I'm sure I'll have much more to say about my Garmin once I've gotten to know it a bit better. But three runs in I think it is so fun to know how far I've gone without being on the treadmill in the basement!
The first run with my fancy watch!
(And my longest run since last August.) |
It's a super busy week here, so that will have to be all for now! I need to spend time making an exit plan for the school year...
For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven...