Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Still (Different) Here

Well, it has been a while!  We had a lovely three weeks in Mexico Beach, Florida, with family.  That was followed by two weeks of school-starting chaos (It always seems more chaotic if you wait to start school in October!).  Then I was lucky enough to tag along with Edwin last week to the annual big work meeting, held this year near Austin, Texas, so the kids got to spend another week with their grandparents (Thanks, Ed and Gail!).  And now we are back to chaos...

Every morning it is darker and darker, so it is time for me to face the fact that winter is really coming, like it always does.  There's the darkness, along with today's high of 39 with light snow in the forecast.  The wind is howling like mad.  And that is the end of fall, which was nice this year, though I was not around for too much of it!  Winter and, surprisingly, summer are the two seasons which begin very suddenly here.  Winter always too soon, and summer always too late, but both always start very abruptly.  It seems the temperatures go from 60 to 30, or 50 to 80, overnight and then there is no looking back.  And such is life, different here.

One day in the near future I hope to write some "real stuff" piling up in my head, but for now I just wanted to say I am still up here somewhere, and I couldn't bear to leave the "Comment Trouble" post at the top of the page any longer.  If there is anyone out there who still checks my blog after this long of an absence, I thank you heartily!


Gail said...

Hi, I'm glad Ed and I were there for one of the lovely weeks of fall...sorry it is over so soon.

Tonya said...

Hi, mom & I have still been checking your blog but we knew you guys had been busy. We could use some of your cooler temps down here in Alabama. It still feels like summer.

Bryonie said...

I check! I check! And you're a more faithful poster than I am... :-)

Tracey said...

Thanks for being out there, and proving my comment problem is really fixed now!