Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The 100th Post - Why Life Is Different Here, Still

Well, this is the 100th post on Life Is Different Here, but I just can't see the necessity for a lot of fanfare.  Maybe I'll save that for the 1000th post! ;)  Still, a short(-ish) but somewhat random list has been floating around in my head for a little while, so I thought I could use this as an opportunity to share it.
  • Something one of my children said that I know no one in Alabama would say: "There are always frozen raccoons in the drains."  This statement was met with no surprise and general agreement among the siblings.
  • Here is what the first day of spring looked like; though, admittedly, it could have been worse.
  • We had about 80 inches of snow this year (with more forecasted for tonight and tomorrow), making it the Twin Cities' seventh snowiest winter ever.  That made it our family's snowiest winter ever.
  • There has been snow on the ground for the last 130 days.  The picture above shows the least amount of snow that has been on the ground during the last 129 days.
  • My first blog post was published on November 11, 2009.  Since then the blog has been viewed 3510 times, most of them by Edwin (my views do not count) or my sweet mother-in-law, I am guessing!
  • Shockingly, this blog has been viewed by people in 10 different countries!  I think it may be due to random clicking on the "Next Blog" button at the top of the page. 
  • My favorite blog posts so far would have to be the ones in the "metamorphosis" category.  I mean, if you have a whole category for metamorphosis that is saying something!  If you have time, start at the bottom of the category and read your way up.
  • I would love it if everyone who reads this 100th post would say hi in the comments.  You can introduce yourself or remain anonymous if you'd rather.  I would be pleased to meet you!  Thank you for reading!


Wendy Royston said...

Hi! I always read your blogs! Not sure that I have read 100 though-I will have to look back through them! I am just not much of a comment writer but do really enjoy reading them and also looking at the pictures! Hope everyone is feeling MUCH better today!


Gail said...

I don't always comment,either,but I do read the blog. I'm always amazed that you find the time to write a blog and that you have such a "way with words".

wednesdaygrace said...

Hi Tracey! :) I visit almost every day as I just click down my list of blogs to see what's new. So I guess I count for a bunch of those visits...

Andrew Spear said...


Tonya said...

Mom and I don't comment often either, but we do check your blog everyday to keep up with the family happenings!!

Betsie said...

Hi Tracey! I was looking on FB to see Anna's baby and saw your note about your blog and to say hello. Sorry to hear all are sick and hope they are on the mend. As you know, Spring is definitely here, with blooming trees and flowers and the yellow pollen! I'm glad to hear you received a nice waffle iron for your b-day--we still keep our 4 hopping once every 2 weeks or so. Life is good. The Lord is gracious! Betsie

Bryonie said...

Hi, hi, hi! I'm here too!!

Anonymous said...

very interesting, thanks