Before the Super Glue |
Last night, for an unknown reason, our Christmas tree fell. This morning I entered the family room to water the tree and turn on the lights, and I found it horizontal on the floor, ornaments everywhere. This is a photo of some of the aftermath. As soon as David and I got the tree standing again I realized I should have taken a picture of it! Oh well, live and learn.
Sadly, the only ornament smashed beyond repair was a Precious Moments "Our First Christmas Together" ball, a wedding gift. Bummer.
By the way, the Christmas bears have denied any wrong-doing, though I think they
do look guilty, don't you??
Anna took this picture! |
I hope your Christmas will not be a Griswold Christmas,
well, at least you didn't have a squirrel in the tree.
Wonder what caused the tree to fall ? Sounds like you have had a rough few days,hope the rest of the week will be better for all.
Very guilty!!!
That squirrel in the tree is the funniest part of the movie! But somehow I think I wouldn't laugh if it happened at my house!
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